
Unlocks Worlds

My name is Chloe S. and I am an avid reader. I read to young readers to help children develop a love for books while improving their communication skills and their reading comprehension. I am particularly committed to providing this opportunity to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In addition, I help young readers in kindergarten through first grade develop their own reading skills by reading to them, helping them read by themselves, and talking with them.

ReadA means many things to me. The main concepts for me are:

  • Reading to Advance

  • Reading to Appreciate

  • Reading to Ascend 

  • Reading with Autism 

  • Reading for Amazement

  • Reading to Admire

Autistic Children

Learn about how I do sessions with autistic children

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Young Readers

Learn about how I do sessions with young readers who are in kindergarten through first grade.

About me

Learn about me and what I do


My Mission

Find out about my mission and methods.


How I Work

Learn about how I work and what platforms I use for meetings.


Contact me.

(917) 472-9743


On this page, you can read articles that I have written about how we began, all about autism, how we can help children with autism, and more.
